Theatre, the articulate voice of communications... What is Corporate/Industrial Theatre?

What We Do

We do brand communications, advertising, education/training and general communications. Our focus is on:

  • Government Departments and Public Service Industry
  • Corporations and Business
  • Communities and Schools

How We Do It

We take on a very unique approach in modern day communication. We approach it from a direct interaction, with the audience, point of view. In doing so, use Theatre and Performance as a tool/form of communication.

The most rewarding thing about theatre and performance is how much it offers, from a communication aspect. Theatre offers experiences, different opinions, a peek in different worlds and a lot more diversity in offering information.

So, by using theatre and performance; we are able to capture attention through entertainment, deliver information and leave audiences with an after thought. We also make sure that the audience are involved in the performances. This creates a lasting experience.

Why Choose Us

We are a young, vibrant and 100% black owned company. We pride ourselves on professionalism. We deliver the best for our clients, and insist on client satisfaction.

We believe there's a need for more genuine, and live interaction with the audiences; more especially in these very trying and challenging times we live in. We deliver a service that is sure to change the lives of our people.

About Us

Inzamo Communications & Entertainment is a 100% black owned company, founded in 2016. The business is run by its founder Lungi Pinda, as a Creative Producer. Inzamo looks to merge theatre and entertainment with the public and today's way of life.

What we, at Inzamo, believe is; through theatre and performance there is much to be desired and used in communicating important information to those that need or should have it. We make sure the message is never lost and is well received through live interaction and communication.

We provide a highly professional and exciting service that delivers to client satisfaction. We are based in Johannesburg, and service the whole of South Africa.

The Team

Founder/Executive Producer

Lungi Pinda

Founder/Creative Producer

Lungi is a Theatre and Performance graduate of the UCT Drama School. Upon graduating, Lungi spent years in the entertainment industry, working as a performer, actor and theatre maker.

He has appeared in various television programs and commercials, and boasts an extensive CV in the theatre industry; having been involved in entertainment theatre and corporate theatre productions across the country.

Lungi has earned great reviews from prolific theatre writers and practitioners, both for his talent and professionalism. He has lived in Cape Town and now resides in Johannesburg, with his family.

Inzamo Communications & Entertainment employs professionals/theatre makers on a "project to project" basis, allowing the Creative Producer to hand pick the best professionals/theatre makers for each project.

Contact Us

For more information or a quote please contact us.

Telephone +27 (0)76 972 3331
